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I often forget what I have done, only new ideas can arouse my interest,
So for me, organizing resumes is a hard job.
If it is not absolutely necessary, I suggest you, just like me, just pay attention to the artwork itself.












In July 2020,  "We Have Passed Through Countless Times" was selected into the 10th Portuguese Duero Print Biennial in 2020.



In July 2020, the printmaking work ``Restoration Plan of the Ruins of the Old City'' was selected in the Serbia 2020 Chakaco International Printmaking Biennale.







2018年10月 数字版画《敦煌的回忆与嬗变之六》入选“第五届罗马尼亚塞克勒兰国际版画双年展”

2018年10月 影像作品《交河故城》入选“2018纽约国际摄影艺术展”

2018年9月  4K数字实验电影《时间的背后》入选第18届中国平遥国际摄影大展

2018年8月  影像作品《灯火阑珊处》入选台湾“第三届国际华人摄影联展”

2018年4月  数字版画《吴哥梦》入选“第二届波兰罗兹国际版画双年展”

2018年1月  影像作品《敦煌--空》入选“第三届深圳国际摄影艺术展览”获深圳杯奖

2017年12月 绘画纸本《江山的片断》入选“2017年度全国高校教师纸本绘画展”

2017年10月 影像作品《空灵与轮回》入选“2017纽约国际摄影艺术展,获金奖”

2017年10月 影像作品《敦煌的回忆与嬗变之三、四》入选“吉林省第22届摄影艺术展暨2017吉林省当代摄影艺术展”,获摄影师奖

2017年10月 影像作品《敦煌--空》获“丝路敦煌”摄影创作二等奖

2017年9月  影像作品《阳光海滩上的37座偶像》入选第17届中国平遥国际摄影大展

2017年5月  数字版画《吴哥梦》入选“中国第四届青年版画邀请展”

2016年12月 绘画作品《江山初雪》(三联画)参加“文脉传薪--2016中国写意油画学派名家研究展·长春暨东北写意油画邀请展”

201611  绘画作品《江山图》参加中山艺博会“情力盛景---吉林艺术学院青年艺术家邀请展”

2016年10 绘画作品《江山初雪》(三联画)参加“共同分母---中韩艺术家交流展”

2016年9月   影像作品《子非我》入选台湾“第一届国际华人摄影联展”

2016年9月   影像作品《与杜尚对话之32》入选“尺度---大画幅摄影在中国”联展

2016年9月   影像作品《吴哥梦》入选第16届中国平遥国际摄影大展

2016年1月   绘画作品《江山初雪》参加北京筑空间“长白绘--学院艺术邀请展”

2015年9月   影像作品《子非我》入选第15届中国平遥国际摄影大展

2015年8月   影像作品《三个背影》《倒像》《冬晨》《晨光》入选国际摄影协会第五届国际艺术展优秀奖

2015年6月   绘画作品《江山初雪》(三联画)入选国家艺术基金吉林省“长白山题材美术作品巡回展”长春世界雕塑公园美术馆、北京炎黄艺术馆、上海多伦多美术馆、重庆美术馆、广州美术学院大学城美术馆

2014年12月  影像作品《瞬间》入选“佳能影像中国”

2014年12月  影像作品《晨光》获第二届全球华人摄影大奖优秀奖

2014年11月  影像作品入选《车站》第五届济南国际摄影双年展

2010年9月  绘画作品《山川图》参加第六届中国宋庄文化艺术节“跨界---校际联展”

2009年 影像作品《东方芭蕾红》参加北京宋庄宏湾美术馆“五四国际艺术节”展

2007  影像作品《吉祥山川图》参加当代艺术文献展  墙美术馆收藏

20059月  版画作品《风调雨顺》第二届北京国际美术双年展中青年艺术家精品展

2005年7  丝网版画作品《风调雨顺》 北京国际美术双年展中国中青年艺术家精品展

2005年8  丝网版画《齿轮组中的女人》 吉林省素描艺术展

2005年5  影像作品《数字文明后的单性繁殖》之一 )入选吉林影像可乐中国当代艺术展

2005年1  拼贴版画作品《交通图示系列》九幅  

2004年 影像作品参加纸本手感当代艺术展

2003 影像作品《天堂以北71公里》 入选吉林省美术家协会吉林第三届青年美展”,获一等奖




Zhang Hui Personal Art Resume


Date of birth: July 1971

Education: Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of Northeast Normal University in 1993

Current position: Associate Professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Jilin University of Arts, Supervisor of Postgraduates, Member of Education Committee of Jilin Photographers Association


Participate in the exhibition:

In September 2019, the printmaking work "Restoration Plan of the Old City Ruins" was selected for the International Printmaking Biennale in Varna, Bulgaria.

In September 2019, the experimental film "Transmutation" was selected in the 23rd Jilin Provincial Contemporary Photography Art Exhibition.

In August 2019, the printmaking work "Restoration Plan of the Old City Ruins" was selected for the Portuguese Printmaking Art Exhibition.

In May 2019, the photograph "The Lost City" Seoul International Photography Festival in South Korea.

In October 2018, the digital print "Dunhuang's Memories and Evolution 6" was selected into the "Fifth Romania Seclairan International Print Biennial"

October 2018 The video work "The Old City of Jiaohe" was selected as "2018 New York International Photography Art Exhibition"

September 2018 4K digital experimental film "Behind Time" was selected for the 18th China Pingyao International Photography Exhibition

August 2018 The video work "Lights and Lights" was selected in Taiwan's "3rd International Chinese Photography Joint Exhibition"

April 2018 Digital print "Dream of Angkor" was selected into the "2nd Polish Lodz International Print Biennial"

In January 2018, the video work "Dunhuang-Empty" was selected in the "The Third Shenzhen International Photographic Art Exhibition" and won the Shenzhen Cup Award

In December 2017, the painting paper "The Fragment of Jiangshan" was selected into the "2017 National College Teachers Paper Painting Exhibition"

October 2017 The video work "Empty and Reincarnation" was selected as "2017 New York International Photographic Art Exhibition, Won the Gold Award"

October 2017 The video work "Dunhuang's Memories and Evolution III and IV" was selected as the "22nd Photographic Art Exhibition of Jilin Province and 2017 Jilin Contemporary Photographic Art Exhibition"

In October 2017, the video work "Dunhuang-Kong" won the second prize of "Silk Road Dunhuang" photography creation

September 2017 The video work "37 Idols on Sunshine Beach" was selected in the 17th China Pingyao International Photography Exhibition

In May 2017, the digital print "Dream of Angkor" was selected as "The Fourth China Youth Print Invitation Exhibition"

In December 2016, the painting "Jiangshan Early Snow" (Triple Painting) participated in the "Information Passage-2016 Chinese Freehand Oil Painting School of Famous Masters Research Exhibition · Changchun and Northeast Freehand Oil Painting Invitational Exhibition"

In November 2016, the painting "Jiangshan Picture" participated in the Zhongshan Art Fair "The Emotional Scene --- Inviting Exhibition of Young Artists of Jilin Art College"

October 2016 The painting "Jiangshan Early Snow" (Triple Painting) participated in the "Common Denominator-Chinese and Korean Artists Exchange Exhibition"

September 2016 The video work "I Am Not a Self" was selected in Taiwan's "First International Chinese Photography Joint Exhibition"

September 2016 The video work "Dialogue with Duchamp 32" was selected for the "Scale --- Large Format Photography in China" joint exhibition

September 2016 The video work "Angkor Dream" was selected in the 16th China Pingyao International Photography Exhibition

In January 2016, the painting "Jiangshan Early Snow" participated in the "Changbai Painting-College Art Invitational Exhibition"

In September 2015, the video work "The Child Is Not Me" was selected in the 15th China Pingyao International Photography Exhibition

August 2015 The video works "Three Backs", "Inverted Images", "Winter Morning" and "Morning" were selected as the Excellence Award of the 5th International Art Exhibition of the International Photography Association

In June 2015, the painting "Jiangshan Snow" (Triple) was selected by the National Art Fund of Jilin Province "Changbai Mountain Theme Art Exhibition" Changchun World Sculpture Park Art Museum, Beijing Yanhuang Art Museum, Shanghai Toronto Art Museum, Chongqing Art Museum, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts University City Art Museum

December 2014 The video work "Moment" was selected as "Canon Video China"

In December 2014, the video work "Morning" won the Excellence Award of the Second Global Chinese Photography Awards

November 2014 The video works were selected in the 5th Jinan International Photography Biennial of "Station"

September 2010 The painting "Mountain Landscape" participated in the 6th China Songzhuang Culture and Art Festival "Cross-Border-Inter-school Joint Exhibition"

2009 The video work "Eastern Ballet Red" participated in the "May Fourth International Art Festival" exhibition at Hongwan Art Museum, Songzhuang, Beijing

2007 The video work "Auspicious Mountains and Rivers" participated in the "Contemporary Art Document Exhibition" Wall Art Museum Collection

September 2005 Printmaking work "Tone and Rain" in the Second Beijing International Art Biennial Exhibition

July 2005 Silkscreen engraving "The Wind and the Rain" Beijing International Art Biennial Exhibition Fine Chinese Young Artists Exhibition

August 2005 Silkscreen print "Woman in Gear Set" Jilin Province Sketch Art Exhibition

May 2005 The video work "Sexual reproduction after digital civilization" (one, two, three) was selected in Jilin "Image Coke Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition"

In January 2005, nine collage prints "Traffic Icon Series"

2004 Video works participated in "Paper Hand Contemporary Art Exhibition"

2003 The video work "71 kilometers north of paradise" was selected into the "Jilin Third Youth Art Exhibition" of the Artists Association of Jilin Province and won the first prize