母亲的鱼  Mother's fish





In the mother's childhood dream, the school of fish in the river swam by her legs, and the fish touched by her finger, 80 years later, should have grown very big...
Our world is a three-dimensional structure. Although there is time involved, no matter how we calculate, all the timing cannot be changed. However, in the dream world, time, space, and order of existence have no boundaries. The position and the past are confused into a wonderful sphere, and our wishes can appear anywhere. Human potential is likely to be hinted to oneself through this method.
Regardless of the future, 2020 will definitely be a special node. In the progress of civilization, this position has made everyone feel difficult. From the perspective of my understanding, the so-called scientific progress has not changed much in human nature. The spread of viruses has made the order of civilization uncertain. The selfishness, greed, cowardice and suspicion in human nature have been washed away by this pandemic. It was once again revealed that the progress of human nature is indeed very difficult. From this point of view, we have just left the cave of cave dwellings. Any disturbances can still cause conflicts and wars between tribes and tribes. Humanity still has not found a balance in this world. The development of science and technology actually makes this contradiction worse, because the potential power is far greater than the sticks and rocks in the cave era.
To put it bluntly, in the philosophy of Lao Tzu in China, a relatively closed society where dogs and dogs do not communicate with each other seems to be a portrayal of the future. This deadlock will not end until the consciousness of tolerance and coexistence is added to human nature. I believe that longing for a better life is the commonality of mankind. Only by using science and technology to resist viruses and using time to perfect human nature can the world have long-term peace. This work is made for the mother’s childhood and also for the future...




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