












   当代影像工作室导师 张辉


As a result of thousands of years of human evolution, we have been observing this world with a convex mirror structure.

Without the assistance of convex mirrors, what should photography look like?

What kind of miracle will the light from different angles pass through a small hole on the film?

This exhibition is the result.  

In the third century BC, the book "Mo Jing" during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in China once recorded the

relationship between pinholes and inverted images.

Today, a group of young Chinese students used a simple paper box and Shanghai brand black and white negative film to interpret a different world.

In these worlds, traditional perspective and space no longer exist, and the relationship between height and width is no longer determined by the viewpoint and perspective.

The light passes through the small hole at different angles, truly showing the original relationship between light and object image in the objective world.  

This is an exhibition full of exploration and enthusiasm. The students spend this semester time,

After many failures, a long exposure, and a careful rinsing process, the final work is still satisfactory.

They have deeply felt the charm of photography and the breadth of this world,

I hope their future will use this as a starting point to find and portray their own paradise.  


                    Academy of Fine Arts of Jilin Art University   

Zhang Hui, Instructor of Contemporary Imaging Studio Zhang Hui

May 2013

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